I have a Weather Widget that I made for personal use a while back that no longer works. I don't know how to fix it since I'm not to great with scripts. Is there anybody out there that can get it to work for me?? Thanks
Actually, Ross, it's a link to the widget gallery, not mine. Nikos' weather widget was there earlier, but he updated it, so it's in moderation.
It looks like my gallery because I uploaded the last several widgets.
RedBuzzard, here is the answer to your OP.
Anyway I can get the weekday hi and low to stay above each weekday and not disappear with mouse over? Been playing with it but can't quite figure it out.
RedBuzzard, it won't. It is supposed to only show on mouseover. Sorry.
Nikos, Still can't get yours to load. All I get is the temp and if I click on it it disappears. I looked at it in Desktopx and all the images are marked as not visible. When I try to make any of them visible I get a directgui.dll error and DesktopX crashes :/
By the way guys, this one still works great! But, it's a gadget and can't be made into a widget.
Adni18's weather won't accept location. It says search unsuccessful. I entered my city and state...nothing.
I know RedBuzzard and Uvah that the widget is not supported by a good script, it was a quick solution that doesn't work for all the people
Though, I have good news, it took me some time, but a really good Weather gadget with great script is ready to be uploaded to Wincustomize, so stay tuned
Here is a preview of it:
Meanwhile you can download it from my site: http://www.adni18.com/gallery/search.php?search_new_images=1
It looks a bit like AccuWeather. Probably better. lol Gonna check it out. Thanks Adni18
Just got back......picked up a couple of wallpapers while there. Beautiful site.
Thank you Uvah!
Nikos, you have mail at the adamamas email.
Who's script?
Since it's a gadget, it can't be modified. Where did you get the template, Nikos? Clue us in.
Hi Richard and Jim, I got it from here: https://www.wincustomize.com/users/47869/Will%20Rose
You can play with it