Title asks the question. I'm editing a windowblind in skinstudio and the more programs font can't be seen when I mouse over it. How do I change this color??

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on Feb 27, 2009

If using SKS6 I believe you go, edit start menu,more programs mouse over image,Text tab, text color box.

If using SKS5 go, "XP taskbar",Click on "Programs" section of the start menu in the preview window *this will open the attributes for that section of the start menu*, on the right in "attributes" section scroll down til you see "text settings", if not expanded already, expand it by clicking the [+], then select "text color", you can either change the value to one already there in the "Value dropdown box" section below, or edit the color directly in the  same section just below the colors value box.


I hope this helps

on Feb 27, 2009

I tried it both ways with no luck. The mouse over color stays at black.

on Feb 28, 2009

In XP I believe that the font mouseover color can either be white or black. Default is white and can be changed to black but all my attempts to make it some other color have not been fruitful. Once it has been changed to black you're stuck with it.

okay, how to change (thanks to Goldwing) from white to black. changing the mouseover image to "none" will change the font to black and then you can reapply the image.

I find this to be a preplanning consideration.

on Feb 28, 2009

sks5: miscellaneous>colors>menus>menu-highlighted background (xp only)

on Feb 28, 2009

sks5: miscellaneous>colors>menus>menu-highlighted background (xp only)

He's asking about the font mousover color, not the color block.


Anyway... it isn't changed in the start menu settings...


In SKS 5 it is Classic colors > Selections > Text Highlighted


In SKS 6  it is in Change skin colors > Show me system defined colors (dropdown)  > Selected item text.


Be aware this will change text colors in several other areas also.


on Feb 28, 2009

In SKS 6 it is in Change skin colors > Show me system defined colors (dropdown) > Selected item color.

John, I believe you in error with the comment regarding SKS6. This reference will change the highlight for selected items without a graphic and does appear to change some font colors in other areas HOWEVER, the reference is to the mouseover font color for the start menu pop-up and does not work as you have suggested. I'm not sure with SKS5 but I just did quick check in SKS6 and it was a no go.

on Feb 28, 2009

no, vstyler is right. i misunderstood the question. still i think mine is better solution, cuz if you change selected item color you'll need to adjust many system color depend on the skin

on Feb 28, 2009

I believe you in error with the comment regarding SKS6


How do I change more programs mouse over font color??


In SKS 6 it is in Change skin colors > Show me system defined colors (dropdown) > Selected item color.


For the question asked.. it is correct... altho I guess i should have said 'text color' as opposed to color but I assumed it would be obvious.



Alternatively, you can change the color of the color block ( highlighted background (xp only) ) .. so that the text can be seen.. yes.. but that wasn't the question asked.

on Feb 28, 2009

I assure you, for the question asked.. it is correct.

I opened your Plas Fan blind and noted that the "selected item" color is red and yet the font is white. I changed the font color to something else and reapplied the blind but the font color is still white. It doesn't appear that changing either of these two presets have any impact on the font color for the more programs pop-up menu. ammended (mouseover font color)

Would you kindly show an example of this font being any other color than white or black. If it is changeable I would like to know because it gets really frustrating at times

on Feb 28, 2009

I just looked at a bunch of blinds and I did notice that "synthetic" has red font with the mouseover more programs pop-up, so it looks like it can be done??? but the color for the selected item is not red.

on Feb 28, 2009


In SKS 6  Selected item text

In SKS 5  Classic colors > Selections > Text Highlighted

on Feb 28, 2009

on Feb 28, 2009

In SKS 6 Selected item text

damn John, we're not discussing the same thing, sorry. I was talking about the pop-up menu that comes up when one hovers over the more programs background.

on Feb 28, 2009

too late

on Feb 28, 2009

tis the pity that I am inept at posting pictures onto the forum and as a result, chew on my size 10s occasionally. A picture is worth...

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